x4 boarding without rep loss. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. x4 boarding without rep loss

 Moderator: Moderators for English X Forumx4 boarding without rep loss  There have been some balance changes made over versions and you actually can avoid most of the rep loss if you just disable them rather than destroy them (eg engines and maybe turrets which stop working if each kept at low hull

Yet I also have to get it damaged enough to make enough crew bail that the marines don't have an impossible fight, so I. The problem is that right now rep loss is often hardcoded in and happens instantly, regardless of where and under which circumstances it takes place. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Process: Quicksave, Open the boarding menu, adjust the settings to high risk and select the option to start. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. We walk through the process of stealing station blueprints without reputation loss. Feb 23, 16:31So you can just load a ship with high crew capacity like Shuyaku full of marines, board with target hull and defense set to "very strong" so you don't need to destroy turrets or damage hull and then fly away and wait 20-30 minutes until the boarding op finishes, Either you win without losing any permanent rep, getting shot at or firing a. So I have spent the past few days with a mix of M/L size trading ships sent to auto trade I also have a mix of M/L miners set to auto mine And honestly It can take hours before I even make just 1 mil from all these. I don't get the rep loss for that but I DO get rep loss every time I kill one of the Laser Towers or Defense Drones that the VIG ship releases. 11 posts • Page 1 of 1. Post by Tranxalive » Thu, 30. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. #2. Buy a ship full, re-supply, trash the less than one stars, rinse repeat. Feb 23, 15:06. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. There's also a way to force spawn Xenon and Kha'ak using the encounter mechanic: fly to the outer boundaries of the sector, far from the center. However, that loss can be insignificant (if you have enough reputation). You will also find additional information from developers here. Rep was 28 after that destruction. Feb 23, 16:31This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. For some reason, no reputation is lost when doing this. 11 posts • Page 1 of 1. Joined: Mon, 14. Reputation losses. Loth Crow May 8, 2022 @ 8:36am. I just got back into playing X4 and I’m on a new save. Of course, MIN can end up building other stations later in the game, but at the start they are quite hard to rep up. Being able to take ships without any rep loss is a real problem, I try to not exploit it but it feels horrible to intentionally drop my rep even though I know I dont have to. And that's all there is to it. just cap it and let it be. My allies will blow up ships even while my marines are onboard, and I have to micro-manage my units to stop them from blowing up the target while the boarding is going on. Dec 20, 00:49 [Feature Request] Destroying Ships in Self-Defense without Rep. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Mines. Sep 19, 08:34. The Odysseus (Vanguard) is perfectly capable of taking out any Xenon capships, including the I, if the player is flying it. However, every so often I still get a rep loss when defending against Pirates in Teladi space. rep loss for boarding ships is way too low. Rep loss from boarding. Post by JackXx » Sat, 4. things to consider. ) I can generally find 2 or 3 L miners and traders in those two sectors alone within half an hour or even less with SETA LirukDatan • 3 yr. Option2 is to use a bigger ship to board, one that can. Got 2 disabled SCA ships I'm working on capping and wanted to take the opportunity to also cap the ANT freighter they were harassing. English Forums. Destroying moduls cause -3 rep at the faction you are attacking. Jul 09, 22:46. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. The boarding system seems very clunky, to put it mildly. General discussions about the games by Egosoft including X-BTF, XT, X², X³: Reunion, X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude. Belphegor2_3 Posts: 51 Joined: Sun, 1. Therefore, the "undeclare" is just improving reputation by any means. I finally wanted to get into piracy, but outside of ZEN/KAK I'm already friends with everyone at +20 and don't want to drop below that if it's possible. I'm pretty sure the rep loss only happens when you're personally flying the attacking ship. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. Fri, 20. All without any repurcussions reputation-wise!. ChrisXX. (Sponsored) The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: forum abandoned shi. Post by pref » Sun, 6. RoC however really hates me just for taking that one lousy sucellus. There are weapons that penetrate shields without destroying a module. 16 posts • Page 1 of 1. 24 posts 1; 2; Next; Falcrack Posts: 4411 Joined: Tue, 28. I didn't try to do it with the turrets disabled, but maybe the constructors wouldn't survive without swathing the flies for so long. Feb 23, 16:31This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. ↳ X4: Foundations; ↳ X4: Foundations - Spoilers; ↳ X4: Foundations - Technical Support; ↳ X4: Foundations - Scripts and Modding;Damaging the hull after boarding pods are attached does seem to help. If a ship is smuggling in your space or attacks your assets in neutral territory, you should be left alone for killing it. DON'T kill pirates as they can actually reduce your reputation, as they can be neutral to the owner's faction. Same for a lot of other things. No MIN will not go hostile with you for killing SCA ships. Cost 3. Joined: Mon, 14. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Bozz 💀. You can't even use that command if your current reputation is -25 or below. It is possible, but you can't shoot, attack or otherwise damage the ship you're boarding (or any of the surface elements), directly, indirectly or otherwise. I successfully boarded OTAS Boreas in Aladna Hill and another one spawned. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. rep loss for boarding ships is way too low. 4. rep loss for boarding ships is way too low. this strategy ensures zero risk to your boarding pods as the mark will not be concerned with them. Hello all! On the Argon vs Xenon missions, i received one where they ask me to board an Argon big ship. g. 1. rep loss for boarding ships is way too low. Is it just me or does boarding and capturing seem brokenly OP? Let me explain. by jlehtone » Sat, 26. Yet I also have to get it damaged enough to make enough crew bail that the marines don't have an impossible fight, so I. If the boarding mission asks you to damage the hull you did not do that. This is wrong. I finally wanted to get into piracy, but outside of ZEN/KAK I'm already friends with everyone at +20 and don't want to drop below that if it's possible. It can't say I've ever seen trade be the cause. You set up the operation so you don’t have to damage the ship. Ship bailing: So long as you do not destroy the ship, you may open fire and cause the bailing of any ship that can bail. I'm quite literally on the verge of going genocidal on them both because they're annoying me. Is there a way to perform those actions with a minimal hit to my rep as I don't want to have to re-climb back up to +20?I finally wanted to get into piracy, but outside of ZEN/KAK I'm already friends with everyone at +20 and don't want to drop below that if it's possible. get 1+⭐️marines at Split or VIG shipyards. This mission is badly designed and unfortunately very common in ARG vs Xenon. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Ship capture without rep los. - However, if the ship has no damage the time to start the actual boarding action of the marines vs crew takes MINUTES. You can't loose Reputation by Trading unless one of your Ships was Scanned in ZYA Space with contraband on board. You will also find additional information from developers here. Once you have high rep in the 20+ range with FRF, the amount you lose for killing FAF is unnoticeable. loss for killing crew even near friendly station - we have legal cheat, not fairly boarding. Post by JackXx » Sat, 4. You can board ships, before damaging. Aug 21, 08:53. I'm trying to cap an ANT freighter out in empty space (no stations of any kind at all near me). <<snip>> Also, you dont need to destroy the engines. Ship capture without rep los. So I decided to go capture some better ships. Ship capture without rep los. Jul 09, 22:46. . Emolk (Banned) Dec 12, 2018 @ 8:55pm How to get the boarding option? I never have the boarding. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. You will also find additional information from developers here. Took me a long time to do that. Loss. X4: Foundations. You board, the ship and its associates turn hostile, because it is an 'attack' with nothing destroyed there is no permanent rep loss as a simple attack with insufficient damage will not cause permanent rep loss. 15 posts • Page 1 of 1. You can board anything in this game without loss of rep. Sure, it gets hostile for a while, and may even shoot at you. One of them was the missing crew training. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Sep 19, 08:34. So I decided to go capture some better ships. This is wrong. ) I. Of course it takes quite some time for the breaching phase if the hull is intact but it won't affect the boarding chances. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. I have a boarding fleet of rattlesnakes that I keep sitting stocked full of marines. You will also find additional information from developers here. Cost 2. You will also find additional information from developers here. but we could go with maybe a more detailed interface, where you could decide on strategy of boarding (aggressive, cautious. No one wants their ship back. Mar 23, 15:59Since the size of nopileos is so large and sometime the AI in fleets does less than desirable things. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. The sold ships now shoot at the station. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. My universe balancer mind decided that giving 3 Argon sectors near Zyarth to ZYA will be good for world peace, because on south HAT separates ARG and ZYA, so there will be no more wars. Is there a way to perform those actions with a minimal hit to my rep as I don't want to have to re-climb back up to +20?Boarding is dumbed down significantly. Reputation loss appears to be only generated through destroyed turrets/components. Re: Destroy Faction stations without lossing rep. Not really. 6M. This is wrong. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. You can board anything in this game without loss of rep. You will also find additional information from developers here. . And shall protect my hard trained marines, while they board :) iN one boarding operation today, i shott down 3 x Arg Cerberus and a few small ones. Post by JackXx » Sat, 4. You will also find additional information from developers here. As I started shooting out sub-systs on the ANT freighter, I took permanent rep hit. #X4FoundationsDream to live by ZAYFALL This! If we doesn`t get rep. Feb 23, 15:06. Are the SCA reporting my actions, or what? Didn't see. rep loss for boarding ships is way too low. If I need to describe it I will simply make a private video and put it up showing it but it. Mar 23, 15:59This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Tranxalive Posts: 131 Joined: Mon, 14. I discovered the reason I was not able to claim Matrix 451, both the Teladi and I built Admin centers while a Xenon defense platform existed. Keep a captured builder (Mammoth Vanguard), at a shipyard, full of marines. You don't even have to get the shields down and damage the hull. by jlehtone » Sat, 26. Jul 09, 22:46. Failing to intercept him results in TER becoming hostile to the player. Post by pref » Sun, 6. Scrapping is interesting and fun, especially building out a supply chain, but there is nothing really special about these factions. This mod addresses several piracy gameplay-aspects in X4 that I really dislike. It can take your marines a while to get through an undamaged hull, but you can usually capture the ship without any rep loss at all. Post by Tranxalive » Thu, 30. so it is intentional that boarding suffers less rep loss then even attacking said ship? just seems really weird that we can steal a flagship of an empire with no hit, at the very least should be equal to destroying said ship, if not alittle higher, i personally avoid abusing the fly by boarding method personally, though i am very active in piracy as i still. Got 2 disabled SCA ships I'm working on capping and wanted to take the opportunity to also cap the ANT freighter they were harassing. 16 posts • Page 1 of 1. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. To get those last points of Rep, you might try selling them medical supplies or other wares their shipyards and stations need, even if it's at a loss. Though it's tedious to assign captains to every single ship. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. The rep system has too many points of rapidly escalating, unintended conflict in the course of expected use. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. Dec 20, 00:49 [Feature Request] Destroying Ships in Self-Defense without Rep. ZYA asked to destroy another ARG Defence Platform. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. Ship capture without rep los. You will also find additional information from developers here. If you are hostile with the faction, you can still use this trick. You will also find additional information from developers here. Takes about 15 minutes to complete. Next time you try it, check your faction rep both before and after. You get reputation when you destroy ships belonging to a faction that is hostile to the station owner, in case of CAB that would be ZYA. Unclaimed sectors should be rep loss on each abandoning wave (if the bailers make it to a station alive) allied/neutral claimed sectors should be rep loss on attack with more loss on attacking the pods and owned sectors should be a bigger loss. Reputation loss appears to be only generated through destroyed turrets/components. I think you may only lose ship rep on turret destruction, but laser towers will cost you faction rep. Steam = Game over NO PASARAN! Top. Cost 3. In case you don't know, fly by boarding is a boarding method that will allow you to capture ships without rep loss. The boarding system seems very clunky, to put it mildly. 3 service crew and 3 marines. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. I went to Antigone. Step 3: Locate the sector you want to takeover and place a station that will qualify as "defence platform" (It needs at least one administrative center, no matter the race) Step 4: Position your Asgard in the sector's defense. . As I started shooting out sub-systs on the ANT freighter, I took permanent rep hit. Feb 04, 22:07Bab Peeg Apr 3, 2022 @ 7:56pm. When I’m doing heavy boarding I usually have a ship parked at a VIG wharf so if an constantly buy more marines and usually have 5 boarding ops going at a time. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Feb 23, 16:31This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. You will also find additional information from developers here. I rarely do it but I tried to board a freighter in Nopilios Fortune and I was taking rep hits of like -6 just shooting a turret off. The boarding parties deploy and when you unpause your ship zips by so you don't need to engage, I keep my turrets to missile defense. Get a cheap transport and fill it with as many mines as you can, fly it to position and park the ship. Zaihbot • 1 yr. No permanent rep loss so long as you don't actually shoot the. You will also find additional information from developers here. Yet I also have to get it damaged enough to make enough crew bail that the marines don't have an impossible fight, so I. Got 2 disabled SCA ships I'm working on capping and wanted to take the opportunity to also cap the ANT freighter they were harassing. worked. Boarding requires sufficient Marine crew across the player-owned ships participating in the action. Feb 23, 16:31This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. You board, the ship and its associates turn hostile, because it is an 'attack' with nothing destroyed there is no permanent rep loss as a simple attack with insufficient damage will not cause permanent rep loss. Dec 20, 00:49 [Feature Request] Destroying Ships in Self-Defense without Rep. (turret, engine, etc), but you DON'T lose rep for simply damaging the hull. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. Savegame friendly (Both adding and removal) Description. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. Why Boa's you say? Because 1. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Even if you have a police license, if you fight back you loose massive reputation. Ship capture without rep los. X4: Foundations > General Discussions > Topic Details. Destroying station without rep loss (expensive, fun, overly elaborate) This is primarily about complicated ways one can have fun with X4 game mechanics. There is a lot to the process, including getting marines, and training those marines with easy targets first. Like do i ruin my rep to a faction if i steal (board) a miner or two to boost me up in the beginning? I wouldnt want to work for my first miners since star money is so slow in the beginning :) I wont steal many just a few 2-3 can i get. Are the SCA reporting my actions, or what? Didn't see any distress drones launch. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Just curious, if all my ships get destroyed while doing a boarding, but my marines have the power to take over the opposing ship, will the operation fail or can it still succeed?Hi guys, in X2 one could launch missles at a station, dock nearby while the missles are in transit and NOT lose reputation as the station is being destroyed. 4. 1 Dragon- Medium Preset, then change the weapons and crew. I just spend the last 6 hours trying with varied methods and ships to board a Rattlesnake with 34 crewman and 16 marines, i used the complete high-morale crew from my first builder = 200+ marines, and then another 70 from a hauler. Mar 23, 15:59I do not care for losing rep. How to do it, you might ask. Additionally if you not yet finished Segaris plot you can use "Geometric Owl" to stip target of engine and turrets without rep hit. All Discussions. ) If you can avoid destroying as many surface elements, you can board w/o losing too much rep. (they can be destroyed without rep loss…. In the early game we generally don’t have the firepower to do much versus a L/XL. JackXx Posts: 14 Joined: Thu, 2. building) before boarding and complete them after boarding, you restore or almost restore your reputation. Ship capture without rep los. Feb 23, 15:06. Posts: 173 Joined: Mon, 14. rep loss for boarding ships is way too low. If you accept one or two long-time missionв (e. rep loss for boarding ships is way too low. Jan 19, 16:48 Anyone knows exactly how much rep is lost during a. They won't care about you attacking any other faction. Jan 19, 16:48 Anyone knows exactly how much rep is lost during a boarding op?This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Target the bomb and reverse or fly at least 3km away. I captured some ships, built a couple of factories and suddenly one of the factions (MIN) keep reporting rep loss. I have a situation where I have unwelcome competetion near my hub complex, the station appearing after I had the hub established Any ideas as to how to. Boarding & Reputation loss. Jul 09, 22:46. Feb 23, 15:06. How do you stop cascading rep loss from friendly fire? Post by user1679 » Fri, 28. rep loss for boarding ships is way too low. Savegame friendly (Both adding and removal) Description. I couldn't resist the temptation and capped it again using my Truelight Seeker and Cobra. In this way you will hardly see any loss of reputation or loss of staff at all and you will get a ship with all these turrets and structurally at 95%. Are the SCA reporting my actions, or what? Didn't see. You will also find additional information from developers here. Ship capture without rep los. Posts: 5577 Joined: Sat, 10. x, with and without Split vendetta. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. Especially the Marines for boarding. Every shot after that has a chance to make the pilot bail and abandon ship, but only every 30 seconds. If they don't start shooting which maybe the case with factions without enemies like Teladi:Blow them up or board them all-day every-day to your hearts content without worry of rep loss. You can get the pulse beamers (shield piercing for easy turret/engine removal) from the Alliance of the Word warf without farming rep— the. Fixed boarding ships launching extra empty boarding pods if they are already ready to launch at start of operation. Took me a long time to do that. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. Feb 23, 15:06. Feb 23, 20:44. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. So, either. Then just wait and the ship will be yours without you ever firing a shot. You will also find additional information from. Obviously the most valuable ships to capture will be Asgard’s, Tokyo’s, Zeus, raptors, colossus… the biggest ships. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. For instance lets take an argon ship as an example. Post by pref » Sun, 6. if you are refering to fly bly boarding without actually harming the targeted vessel, that is not an exploit. 2. Jan 19, 16:48 Anyone knows exactly how much rep is lost during a. You will also find additional information from developers here. With that in mind, you have lots of options, e. g. As I started shooting out sub-systs on the ANT freighter, I took permanent rep hit. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. English Forums. That is the main storyline quest and it has quite a few unlocks so is good to do. Got 2 disabled SCA ships I'm working on capping and wanted to take the opportunity to also cap the ANT freighter they were harassing. #2. Jul 09, 22:46. Dec 20, 00:49 [Feature Request] Destroying Ships in Self-Defense without Rep. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. Not you, not your ships, not your mines, nothing. Only minor issue was to escape with the Shuyaku from the 1 Behemoth and defence drone that were chasing it. Or are you starting with ships that are neutral to you? In either case, Destroyer's aren't ideal boarding vessels. Post by Belphegor2_3 » Sun, 15. Apr 19, 07:34. • 2 yr. I went to Antigone. X4: Foundations. X, and in the current ToA extended tutorial, I mean story campaign, it mentions heavy rep losses for boarding. I stopped playing this game 2 years ago because of some reasons. With seasons coming in the future for Ventures I thought I would bring to light that the boarding exploit is still very much a thing. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. should be 17 per ship. I start the boarding operation, and notice that when I destroyed the engine or. Rep gain is determined by amount of trades, not volume or worth. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. Feb 23, 15:06. I finally wanted to get into piracy, but outside of ZEN/KAK I'm already friends with everyone at +20 and don't want to drop below that if it's possible. Ship capture without rep los. Rep loss is not permanent, and it's just at that station. Is there a way to perform those actions with a minimal hit to my rep as I don't want to have to re-climb back up to +20?Boarding and War Missions. THAT is the problem. Feb 23, 15:06. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. Jawms. Zaihbot • 1 yr. Avoiding rep loss when destroying admin centers . The boarding system seems very clunky, to put it mildly. You will also find additional information from developers here. . Post by JackXx » Sat, 4. You will also find additional information from developers here. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. Bringing your marines on the ship is probably one of the easiest boarding tasks you’ll ever have, as the Ozias is very slow, very big, and completely unarmed. Moderator:. Post by. this is in fact an advanced and very valid tactic. Dec 20, 00:49 [Feature Request] Destroying Ships in Self-Defense without Rep. ago. As for an option to retaliate against every attack because "they shot first", you could position your ship between a station and its target, get hit, and get license to destroy that station. While boarding with one ship with 1/3 the quantity and 1/2 of strength fared way better. You can see if you are on the right track, if you see escape pods of the crew other than the pilot come out. And imho a Tyr is better than an Osaka. JackXx Posts: 6 Joined: Thu, 2. You will also find additional information from developers here. Feb 23, 15:06. 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. This forum is the ideal place for all discussion relating to X4. You will also find additional information from developers here. Boarding Operation Stuck. As I started shooting out sub-systs on the ANT freighter, I took permanent rep hit. Keep transferring marines to the Barbarossa (120 at a time, have the Mammoth buy replacements) and board multiple builders. Ship capture with marines: Currently, so long as nothing is destroyed on a target, there is no reputation loss for stealing ships with marines. Moderator: Moderators for English X Forum. You will also find additional information from developers here.